Tariqullah Khan

Islamic economics and finance, sustainability management, and healing ecology and society through economy

Greetings, I am a Pakistan-born academic interested in climate remediation through economy, business, finance, and management by drawing on concepts from circular economy, sustainability management, Islamic finance, impact investing and strategy. 

The science-based IPCC reports concludes that the climate crisis is real and human actions are responsible. Economists, international institutions, regulators, policy makers and businesses, and in particular, financial services are responsible for the Anthropocene. 

There is also hope that we can heal ecology through deep transformation of the world economies and proper utilization of technology. In this regard Islamic finance principles and circular economy business practices are highly relevant. For this I developed the NSCs (normalized sustainability coordinates) and STOs (substitutions, transformations and offsets) - NSCs-STOs platform as unified measure of sustainability and strategy tools for regenerative transition. 

I am currently working on curriculum and pedagogy as well as teaching, research supervision and undertaking individual and collaborative studies that could be policy relevant for the needed and unprecedented economic transformation.